It looks like this account was recently returned to its original owner. Please note that we do not allow account sale/ownership transfers.
Regretfully there is not much we can do in this case, as we can only modify account details to the original contact information which was set when account was created.
We recommend contacting the person who transferred/gave access to the account to you in the first place.
Thank you.
Daniel Clay
Bandwagon Host / IT7 Networks
Global service status page https://bwhstatus.com/
Diagnose network-related issues at https://ping.pe/|||还是扔了搬瓦工吧 纯粹是找回工||| 默哀 深表同情!!!|||用了半年对方怎么想的.|||这就是弊端。搬瓦工没市场了。|||深表同情
真不愧是找回工|||找回工upppp|||好惨,下次别再收了|||要是|||能不能问到原始账户?哎||| 说了好多了吧,瓦工不带邮箱千万不要收啊!|||对方等你续费呢 瓦工不能买过手的|||来来来 把骗子信息抖搂出来 骗子没妈的|||不能一概而论,“找回工”只是某些莎碧会找回,我在论坛大佬处买的就稳到现在